Foundation for Foundations logo

The key of success
is bonding business platform
with charity



Curator, chairwoman

My name is Ildikó Nyilka, I was born in Marosvárhely. I am the Managing Director of Duna- Part Ingatlancentrum, the Head of one of the agencies of Generali Insurance Group, the patron and producer of Count Dénes Wenckheim Foundation, the international and national representative of Life Goes On charity organization, a volunteer at the Pediatrics of Tűzoltó Street, the President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Foundations and the mother of a beautiful child. I have a personal concern for children.

My life has been colourful, full of challenges, hardships, as well. On the one hand I was forced to leave my comfort zone on several occasions, on the other hand I have was also gifted with opportunities that I was able to seize. My happiness is derived from my daughter, my family and friends, people around me, love that surrounds me and "THE LIFE" since I do what I love doing. "My hobby is my work".

What makes you the most proud regarding work?
The successes I have achieved, the times when I could renew, my awards and my mission. I have achieved that I longed for in all the fields, I am proud of my experiences, the world I got to know through business, the people I had the chance to get acquianted with. My work has always been fruitful which makes me glad. Being a perfectionalist I have done everything with enthusiasm, from the depth of my heart, I have never given up. I have been working in real estate market for over 20 years – this may also be regarded as success. What I always bear in mind is the conscious market and I am always quick to react. I research and study the X, Y and Z generations as I believe they determine our life, our joy, our behaviour, our culture, our development and habits, our market and our future. Recessions has hit me hard and there was a point when I felt I would give up. Fortunately I only lasted for a few days. It came to my mind that I could never give up, NEVER! And it proved to be a good decision. Despite the fact I had to face another difficulty as a small real estate agency, more and more big scale companies started operating in the real estate field but there was only one thought in front of my eyes: ' survive among sharks despite even though being small fish'. I still believe and experience it as great success, I managed to renew and even expand during the recessions pushing my boundaries in the field of finance and insurance, something I hadn't been familiar with before and where I had the chance to try myself. My greatest success was that I was able to renew over and over again. According to experts the world of business suits me fine. I believe that success, being humble and being able to renew are the key and that I always do my profession with joy and love, the profession that I'm really good at: money and business, people, values, children and communication. 'The way you treat people is the way you are treated.' I feel lucky. Having been able to change and opening up for charity makes me proud. I have participated and organized charity programs both at national and international levels.. This way has taken me and led me onto my own, real Way. Based on personal experiences I have realized business and charity need to be linked. I believe: Those who have been gifted a great deal, are expected a lot, those who have been trusted a great deal, are expected more.' The main goal I have set up is to help foundations and our generations and work out the our programme title Give focusing on children. I have approached respected professionals, experts as I do believe that we are able to reach our goals with a good strategy, a joint heart and help.

What are the values that made you accept the request of the foundation?
I feel blessed that I can combine my emotional intelligence – the greatest gift I received- with my own know-how and can help people. I can blend and use everything I have gained from my own experiences for charitable purposes.

What's your role as curator and chairwoman in the life of the foundation?
To represent everything I have been trusted by the celestials.

What do you expect of this initiation?
Values and money should be in balance and everything should fall into its right place that I believe in. Good should find value. We tend to measure success in financial terms, in money but we should find a way where success is measure in 'our hearts', in terms of love, where heart means a stronger tool besides money and both coexist side by side. I do believe this initiation gives something good to the world, add something to our world.

What's your message or motto?
You can only become successful if you help others reach success, as well.
You can possess nothing in this world. Do always what you love doing and do it from the depth of your heart and if you wish to give, give from the depth of your heart.
Motto: "The key of success is to combine business platform with charity".

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OTP Bank Nyrt., 11713036-21451047
IBAN: HU61117130362145104700000000



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